Previous Pitch Innovations at the 2022 NAMM Show – A Gallery
Pitch Innovation’s award-winning plugin Fluid Chords is back with some brand-new updates and improvements.
After a lot of great feedback from you, we’re so excited to share that Fluid Chords just got a major update!
From a brand new real-time mode, to parameter automation and drag & drop midi, we’ve got it all for you to enjoy the Fluid Chords experience more than ever before.
Perform chord bending from chord-to-chord just like the ‘Fluid’ mode, but in real-time!
You can now configure and automate your hosted synth’s parameters within Fluid Chords
Drag & drop MIDI files containing one chord directly onto the chord triggers to create your progressions
You can now see step by step guide text and chord names on the screen to help you get started, right out of the box!
The list of MPE synths is ever growing with now, added support for Arturia’s V9 collection, Arturia’s Augmented series and Kilohearts Phase Plant
Fluid Chords 1.4.0
Release Notes :
Other version updates –
Fluid Chords 1.3.0
Release Notes:
1. Fluid Mode has a guided mode
2. Bug fix with the all time chord display
Fluid Chords 1.2.0
Release Notes:
1. Chord name display name should be visible all the time
2. When the chord is triggered, home, up and down icons appear on the chord boxes
3. Pressing the clear all will bring the editor keyboard index to the first chord box.
4. Custom popup on startup
5. MPE help text updated for Arturia plugins
Fluid Chords v1.1.1
* Pressing on the GUI chord trigger will change the corresponding parameter. So that, that new chord is triggered in the processBlock. DAW can capture the user actions and can reproduce.
* Bug Fix: DAW would refresh on parameter name changes aptly
* Plugin Scanner: When scanning new, the paths will be displayed correctly.
Fluid Chords v1.1.0 –
Video Requirements –
Release Notes:
* New RealTime mode – Any chord to any chord bending is now possible, the voices are created and destroyed when needed
* Windows standalone app using Win32 MIDI
* Plugin Scanner : added new plugins to be automatically scanned and enabled
Added Novum, Arutria strings, other arturia synths that are MPE
* MIDI I/O: Implemented copying the generated MIDI log
* Implemented Parameter Forwarding – The synths’ parameter can be accessed through Fluid Chords parameters(32 parameters only)
* Any parameter of the hosted synth can be linked either via the combo box or by learning it
* Solved a rare bug where the GUI could not display the correct trigger information
* Plugin Scanner: Added more MPE plugins to auto enable list
* MIDI file can be drag and dropped to the Chord box which will be imported
* Chord name will be displayed when the cursor is hovered on the chord box
* The chord name changes as the chord notes changes
* Escape key closes the Synth window and the Forward Parameter window
* Settings popup will be dismissed on clicking anywhere else
* Bug: Fix sound presets not populating properly
* Realtime mode: When not in no last bend, it should trigger at the right pitch
* Hosting: Implemented Clear All and Learn All for link parameters
* RealTime mode: Sustain pedal release would turn off the sustained notes
* RealTime mode: Moving pitch wheel up/ down while no target chord pressed, would turn off the sustained notes
* Modified the sustain pedal processing to make sure the Realtime mode is more stable:
Using Sustain Pedal
1. Play a chord (Source chord)
2. Press sustain pedal on
3. Depress the chord (all the notes)
4. Play another chord (Target chord)
5. Depress the chord (all the notes)
6. Move the pitch bend wheel up to bend from Source to Target
7. Now you can specify a new Target and keep on bending, or
8. Depress the sustain pedal to trigger off the hold Target chord notes(if any)
9. Press and depress sustain again to trigger off the Source chord notes
Without Sustain Pedal
1. Play a chord (Source chord)
2. Move the pitch bend up
3. Play another chord (Target chord)
4. Move the pitchbend wheel up
5. Depress the chord (all the notes)
6. Move the pitchbend wheel up/down to trigger off the Source chord
* RealTime mode: GUI messages are correctly displayed
* RealTime mode: Chord hit box should not lit up until the chord gets locked (Text should change accordingly too)
* RealTime mode: The editor keyboard will not display any chord
Fluid Chords v1.0.4 – May 1 2021
Release Notes:
* Implemented Pitch Bend parameter as bipolar
* Bugfix: Prevented empty chord trigger sending unneeded note offs
* Pitch Wheel GUI: Centres accurately (Mid as 8192)
* Implemented Midi Monitor Window: Alt + Right click the “Fluid Chords Logo” to view the “Midi I/O” of the plugin
Fluid Chords v1.0.3 – 29 Apr 2021
Release Notes:
* Bugfix: Windows installer did not install the program on the user specified installation path is fixed
* Windows: Factory Presets are stored on the user specified installation path
* Scanner: On Quick Scan, Scanner would ask for the paths to scan
* New MIDI FX version of Fluid Chords is now available – Logic users can use “Fluid Chords MFX” to use with Logic’s inbuilt sounds
* Scanner: Added U-he’s synths to auto enable list
* Scanner: If some plugins take a long time to scan on particular situation in a custom scan, the scanner would wait for it to finish
* Pitch Bend parameter is implemented
1. PB Parameter is linked with the GUI’s wheel
2. The PB Parameter(when the value is changed) will take precedence over the MIDI’s PB messages
Combining the brand new real-time chord bending, parameter automation, drag and drop midi, on screen guides and bug fixes, Fluid Chords version 1.3 offers improvements that will once again and as always enhance your music expression journey.
From a brand new real-time mode, to parameter automation and drag & drop midi, we’ve got it all for you to enjoy the Fluid Chords experience more than ever before.
New RealTime mode – Any chord to any chord bending is now possible, the voices are created and destroyed when needed
Chord name will be displayed when the cursor is hovered on the chord box
The chord name changes as the chord notes changes
Escape key closes the Synth window and the Forward Parameter window
Settings popup will be dismissed on clicking anywhere else
Implemented Pitch Bend parameter as bipolar
Bugfix : Windows installer did not install the program on the user specified installation path is fixed
PB Parameter is linked with the GUI’s wheel
The PB Parameter(when the value is changed) will take precedence over the MIDI’s PB messages
Combining the brand new real-time chord bending, parameter automation, drag and drop midi, on screen guides and bug fixes, Fluid Chords version 1.3 offers improvements that will once again and as always enhance your music expression journey.